CroNightLife [V1.2]

lunes, diciembre 26, 2011 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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CRONIGHTLIFE – Croatia Nightlife
Ne znate gdje bi ste izašli van? Ne znate gdje je najludi provod? Ne znate gdje popiti najbolju kavu? ......
Došli ste na pravo mjesto. CRONIGHTLIFE radi sve za Vas.
CRONIGHTLIFE je aplikacija koja ce Vam omoguciti da sve te informacije konacno saznate na jednom mjestu.Ideja i cilj je svakome korisniku  omoguciti u bilo koje vrijeme detaljan pregled nocnog života u Hrvatskoj i na hrvatskoj sceni. I omoguciti svim korisnicima da bilo gdje i bilo kada mogu odabrati gdje popiti kavu, opustiti se ili otici na najbolji party i slicno...
Korisnici mogu u bilo koje doba pogledati i provjeriti dogadanja u klubovima, barovima i ostalim kaficima diljem Hrvatske.
Pomocu ove aplikacije korisnici mogu unaprijed znati gdje se odvija koji dogadaj, mogu znati da li je rijec o koncertu ili nekom party-u ili slicno.
U suradnji sa klubovima,barovima  i organizatorima zabavnih manifestacija omoguciti ce se korisnicima dosta pogodnosti. Korisnici bi mogli vidjeti glavne detalje o klubu,baru i koncertu tj. adresu, vrijeme i datum dogadanja, link za njihovu web adresu i sve ostale podatke.
Korisnici ce kroz aplikaciju imati niz pogodnosti. O pogodnostima i ostalim sadržajima više na
Aplikacija putem „GOOGLE MAPS“ tocno pokazuje kako doci do odabranog mjesta.
Aplikacija radi i na svim ANDROID uredajima.
Pratite nas za besplatno ažuriranje. Slobodno nam se obratite i javite sve prijedloge za aplikaciju.
Za sva pitanja, informacije,probleme i ostalo  slobodno nas kontaktirajte na email.
Kontakt e-mail:

Pratite nas na Facebook-u i Twitter-u.

CRONIGHTLIFE – Croatia Nightlife

You do not know where would you go out? You do not know where is the wildest time? You do not know where to drink the best coffee? ......
You've come to the right place. CRONIGHTLIFE does everything for you.
CRONIGHTLIFE is an application that will enable you all the information to finally find out  on one place.Idea and the goal is to allow anyone at any time, a detailed overview of nightlife in Croatia and the Croatian scene. And allow all users anywhere, anytime to choose where to drink coffee, relax or go for the best party and so on ...
Users can at any time view and check out the events in clubs, bars and other bars,clubs across Croatia.
With this application users can know in advance where the event takes place(s), they can know it is a concert or a party or similar.
In cooperation with clubs, bars and entertainment events organizers we will provide plenty of benefits to users. Users could see the main details about the club, a bar and a concert. EXAMPLE:  that is the address, time and date of the event, a link to their web address and any other information.
Users will have with the application lots of benefits. The facilities and other contents over the
The application through "GOOGLE MAPS" shows exactly how to get to your current location.
The application works on all Android devices.
LANGUAGES: Croatian, English, German, Italian, Czech, Hungarian, Slovene, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese
Follow us for a free update. Feel free to contact us and let all the suggestions for the application.
For questions, information, and other problems, please contact us by email.
Contact e-mail:

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

CroNightLife was developed for Android by Kreativne Aplikacije d.o.o.

Package name :

System permissions : 14 Click here to show/hide list
I am the developer of this Application !

Screenshot(s) available for CroNightLife

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Comments and Ratings for CroNightLife
Filters : All 5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star CroNightLife for Android was rated by Android Market Users on 2011-09-30 : 4.9/5

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